
Videos, Interviews, Electronic, Singapore Big Duck Team Videos, Interviews, Electronic, Singapore Big Duck Team

Intriguant: Syndicate, Spirits, Uploading

In March, we had a little conversation about music with Intriguant. Visiting his former studio at Goodman Arts Centre, we talked about his process behind his third album Spirits, the ethos behind events by esteemed electronic label Syndicate, and his own series Uploading, and life in general. His motto now: “I just do.”

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Lim Brothers Travel Onto the 3rd Dimension: In Conversation with BGourd and Beansprouts

Teaming up with his brother Beansprouts, BGourd made one of the year’s best records so far in Veggie Wraps Vol. 3, channeling a free-flowing, experimental edge into his ever-dynamic verses. Big Duck caught up with the pair for a little conversation about their stories, and what went behind the rapper’s third venture into the sonic wilderness.

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